Grow Your Vision
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We create opportunities for young people to act, connect and discover their strengths.
To provide a young person with an experience of relationships in the community, where he would feel accepted and valuable, learn social skills, engage in meaningful activities, get to know himself and thus discover opportunities to integrate into the fields of education, social and labor market.
While working with children and young people in the fields of education, health and social care, we have observed those who do not find their place in a group, whose behavior tells us how angry, scary and sad it can be when you feel insecure, lonely, not capable of anything. While working, we discovered how important the feeling of belonging to a group is for everyone, we saw how young peoples eyes light up after overcoming challenges on hikes or when creating a garden in the schoolyard, we heard how important it is to discover that you are special and can dream in your own way.
We dreamed of creating a place and community experience where we could see everyones needs and find opportunities to meet those needs.
We dreamed of a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where the best allies can be nature, plants and animals that do not judge you by intelligence, beauty or strength, but only by how much attention you given to them.
We discovered such a place in Senas Strūnaitis village, in the premises of a former school. Here we want to invite especially those who are looking for community to belong, who want to know themselves and their powers better.
We want to share discoveries and experiences, so we gladly accept invitations and come to your backyard to spread ideas of community and inclusion.
Mūsų komanda

Kristijonas Žičkus
Psychologist/ Manager
I believe that in a safe and supportive environment, everyone can overcome challenges, grow and blossom. I work with groups of children, youth and adults mainly in the field of education. It is important for me to establish a reliable relationship with the participants and to look for experiences together that would help to get to know each other and themselves, to discover everyones strengths. I also provide consultations on career management issues.

Eglė Kuraitė – Žičkė
Psichologė/ Supervizorė
Konsultuoju darbuotojus, kurie savo darbe su sunkumų patiriančiais vaikais ir jaunuoliais neretai jaučia nuovargį, bejėgiškumą, nesaugumą, bando suprasti po trikdančiu elgesiu slypinčias žinutes ir kasdien ieško išeičių, rodos, beviltiškose situacijose, Žinau, kaip svarbu suteikti dėmesio, erdvės, laiko refleksijai, komandos stiprinimui, palaikymui ir sąmoningų sprendimų paieškai. Tikiu, kad tik taip esame pajėgūs pasirūpinti pačiais pažeidžiamiausiais

Gabriele Rimkutė
I have completed psychology and sociology studies, "Renkuosi mokyti" program and meditation teacher courses. I focus mainly on creating a connection with myself and others and learning how to create that connection - I learn and teach how to get to know, accept and empathize with myself and others. I gathered knowledge and experience working with people of various ages - from early childhood education and school to adults (mainly parents and educators).
Project Manager
It is important for me to ensure the implementation of projects. I appreciate simplicity. flexibility and I try to find solutions even in the most difficult situations, I am not afraid to choose innovative social solutions.

Youth worker
Ugnė Raščiūtė
I am a social worker, I have been working with youth since 2016. My areas of work: street work, individual counseling, experiential trips, organization of camps.

Ilona Vitkevičienė
Socialinė darbuotoja
Man rūpi vaikai ir jaunimas, kurie patiria įvairių sunkumų savo kasdienybėje. Tikiu, kad dirbant socialinį darbą efektyviausias metodas yra žmonių tarpusavio ryšys, kuris padeda rasti sprendimus sudėtingiausioje jų gyvenimo istorijoje. Būtnet čia, Terapiniame ūkyje matau kaip svarbu vaikams ir jaunuoliams turėti šia terapinę erdvę, suteikiančią galimybę stiprinti savo gebėjimus,kurie kitose erdvėse yra nuvertinti ar dar neatrasti.

Laura Meilūnė

Vaiva Braškutė
Jaunimo darbuotoja
Tikiu, kad patyrimai gali būt tokie pat vertingi, kaip pasiekimai. Kūrybinis procesas - tik vienas iš būdų tyrinėti save ir kitus, bet man labai artimas ir įdomus. Todėl svarbia mano gyvenimo dalimi tapo dailės terapija, kurioje pati daug atrandu ir kitus kviečiu per kūrybą pažinti, žaisti, augti, megzti santykį su savimi ir kitais, arba, tiesiog patirti procesą.

Gytis Valatka
Edukatorius/jaunimo darbuotojas
Esu mokytojas, patyriminių žygių organizatorius. Keliaudamas vienas, ar su grupe, labiausiai vertinu atradimus. Ne tik vaizdus, naujas vietas, bet ir sutiktus žmones, bendrakeleivius. Ką jie kalba? Kokias pasakas seka? Kelionė, žygis, ar diena drauge yra pavykusi tada, kai išsinešu bent šiek tiek naujo, atrasto papasakoto sau.

Valdas Stonys
Socialinio darbuotojo padėjėjas
Praeityje dirbau su negalią turinčiais žmonėmis. Jungiuosi prie Terapinio ūkio komandos, nes, pats būdamas naujakurys kaime, matau kiek daug kiekvienam iš mūsų gali duoti artimesnis ryšys su gamta bei gyvūnais.
Edukatorė/grafikos dizainerė
Esu pedagogė, grafikos dizainerė, iliiustratorė. Dirbu su vaikais ir paaugliais. Tikiu, kad skirtingos patirtys augina ir padeda geriau suprasti save ir kitus.

Vaiva Gradauskienė
I have been counseling children, teenagers and their parents for more than 10 years. In my work, I rely on a psychodynamic approach, which emphasizes the influence of early experiences on our worldview. However, I believe that each new experience and relationship allows the personality to change and grow.